LiClipse provides a new experience for Eclipse users
With it, users get out of the box:
- A fast editor supporting many languages out of the box. View supported languages
- Support for TextMate Bundles. View TextMate Bundles Integration
- A simple way to add support for a new language
- Usability improvements for all Eclipse editors featuring:
- Multiple cursors
- Vertical indent guides
- Themed scrollbars
- Improved text search capabilities (with Lucene index-based searching, support for external folders, open editors and additional filtering on results page)
- HTML preview for the RST, Markdown and HTML editors
- Native installers
Improved theming support based on Eclipse 4 improvements

Release Highlights for LiClipse 12.0.1
- Updated to Eclipse 2024-12 (4.34).
- Updated PyDev to 12.0.1.
- Support for Python 3.13
- Support for type alias syntax
- Parsing type vars (still missing semantic analysis).
- Support for Annotated[cls] in code-completion
- Added condition to resolve as True|False in templates
- Updated typeshed
- Updated PyDev debugger (pydevd) to version 3.3.0
- Updated minimum Java version requirement to Java 17
- Changed ruff linting command to ruff check to match breaking change
- Improved docstring assist to properly handle multi-line function signatures
- Converted paragraph wrapping functionality from Jython to Java
- Changed Surround with try..except to use try..except Exception as default
- Supporting trailing commas in multi-line with statements
Release Highlights for LiClipse 11.1.0
- Updated to Eclipse 2024-03 (4.31).
- Updated PyDev to 12.1.0.
- Fixed issue parsing await inside of case block.
- Call django.setup() when running django unit-tests (with builtin unittest runner).
- Fixed corner case where wouldn't be properly gotten with previous approach when running pytest.
- Template variables converted from jython to java code (
- Properly building With Eclipse 2024-03 (fixes by Florian Kroiß).
- Using flake8 binary instead of getting from python works (fix by slaclau).
View highlights for previous releases
Supported languages feature syntax highlighting, template completion,
outline, select/deselect scope, comment/uncomment, auto-indent, linked edition,
multi-edition, mark occurrences, among others.
As a note, some editors have improved support:
The HTML editor has advanced context-based code-completion
The HTML, XML and JavaScript editors have code-analysis and code-formatting features
Usability improvements for all Eclipse editors
At this point, the major improvements are multi-edition and vertical indent guides, supporting all editors
(such as PyDev, JDT, etc).
See: Multi-Edition Video for details
Besides the multi-edition (which can be triggered in a Ctrl+K search or with the mouse with
Ctrl+Alt+Mouse Click), the rectangular edit is also improved to be triggered with
Alt+Click (and stopped with escape).
Bundling of other useful plugins
Eclipse has a myriad of useful plugins, and LiClipse bundles some which are considered to be useful
regardless of which language you're dealing with: Eclipse Color Theme, StartExplorer, AnyEdit and PyDev
(note that PyDev does not follow the rule of being useful for everyone as the other plugins,
but LiClipse itself reuses parts of the PyDev codebase).